# Pew Research Dataset Example REPLACE TITLE IN respid WITH "ID"; ORGANIZE respid INTO HIDDEN; REPLACE TITLE WITH DESCRIPTION ON sample, comp; ORGANIZE sample, comp INTO HIDDEN; REPLACE TITLE IN int_date WITH "Interview Date"; ORGANIZE int_date INTO "Date"; REPLACE TITLE IN lang WITH "Language of Interview"; ORGANIZE lang INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN cregion WITH "Census Region"; ORGANIZE cregion INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN state WITH "State"; ORGANIZE state INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN density WITH "Density Quintiles"; ORGANIZE density INTO "Demographics"; ORGANIZE sfips, usr INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE qs1 INTO HIDDEN; REPLACE TITLE IN sex WITH "Gender"; REPLACE DESCRIPTION IN sex with "Entered by interviewer"; ORGANIZE sex INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN eminuse WITH "Use of Internet or Email"; ORGANIZE eminuse INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN intmob WITH "Mobile Internet Use"; ORGANIZE intmob INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN intfreq WITH "Frequency of Using Internet"; ORGANIZE intfreq INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN snsint2 WITH "Use of Social Media"; ORGANIZE snsint2 INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN home4nw WITH "Internet subscriptions at home"; ORGANIZE home4nw INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN bbhome1 WITH "Speed of subscription"; ORGANIZE bbhome1 INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN bbhome2 WITH "Confirming Dial-Up"; ORGANIZE bbhome2 INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN device1a WITH "Cell Phone Ownership"; ORGANIZE device1a INTO "Devices"; #Candidate below for "rebasing" due to logic skipping REPLACE TITLE IN smart2 WITH "Smart Phone Ownership"; ORGANIZE smart2 INTO "Devices"; REPLACE TITLE IN q20 WITH "Using Internet on Phone or Other"; ORGANIZE q20 INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN bbsmart1 WITH "Ever Had Broadband"; ORGANIZE bbsmart1 INTO "Internet Use"; REPLACE TITLE IN bbsmart2 WITH "Interest in high-speed Internet"; ORGANIZE bbsmart2 INTO "Internet Use"; CREATE MULTIPLE DICHOTOMY bbsmart3a, bbsmart3b, bbsmart3c, bbsmart3d, bbsmart3e, bbsmart3f LABELS "The monthly cost of a home broadband subscription is too expensive", "The cost of a computer is too expensive", "Your smartphone lets you do everything online that you need to do", "You have other options for internet access outside of your home", "Broadband service is not available where you live, or is not available at an acceptable speed", "Some other reason I haven't already mentioned (SPECIFY)" SELECTED "Yes" AS bbsamrt3_mr TITLE "Reasons for not having broadband" DESCRIPTION "Please tell me whether any of the following are reasons why you do not have high-speed internet at home"; ORGANIZE bbamrt3_mr INTO "Broadband"; ORGANIZE bbsmart3a, bbsmart3b, bbsmart3c, bbsmart3d, bbsmart3e, bbsmart3f INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE `bbsmart3foe@` INTO "Broadband"; REPLACE TITLE IN bbsmart4 WITH "Main reason for not having broadband"; ORGANIZE bbsmart4 INTO "Broadband"; CREATE MULTIPLE DICHOTOMY web1a, web1b, web1c, web1d, web1e, web1f, web1g, web1h, web1i LABELS "Twitter", "Instagram", "Facebook", "Snapchat", "Youtube", "Whatsapp", "Pinterest", "LinkedIn", "Reddit" SELECTED "Yes, do this" AS web1_mr TITLE "Social Media Sites Use" DESCRIPTION "Please tell me if you ever use any of the following social media sites. Do you ever use..."; ORGANIZE web1a, web1b, web1c, web1d, web1e, web1f, web1g, web1h, web1i INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE web1_mr INTO "Web Use - Social Media"; CREATE CATEGORICAL ARRAY sns2a, sns2b, sns2c, sns2d, sns2e LABELS "Twitter", "Instagram", "Facebook", "Snapchat", "Youtube" AS sns2_cat TITLE "Frequency of Social Media" DESCRIPTION "Thinking about the social media sites you use... About how often do you visit or use....?"; ORGANIZE sns2a, sns2b, sns2c, sns2d, sns2e INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE sns2_cat INTO "Web Use - Social Media"; CREATE MULTIPLE DICHOTOMY device1b, device1c, device1d LABELS "A tablet computer", "A desktop or laptop computer", "A game console" SELECTED "Yes" AS device1_mr TITLE "Device ownership" DESCRIPTION "Please tell me if you happen to have each of the following items, or not. Do you have..."; ORGANIZE device1b, device1c, device1d INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE device1_mr INTO "Devices"; ORGANIZE books1 INTO HIDDEN; CREATE CONVERT books1 TO NUMERIC AS books1_num; ORGANIZE books1_num INTO "Books"; CREATE MULTIPLE DICHOTOMY books2a, books2b, books2c LABELS "Printed books", "Audio books", "E-Books" SELECTED "Yes" AS books2_mr TITLE "Read in past 12 months" DESCRIPTION "Thinking about all of the books you have read in the past 12 months, were any of those... "; ORGANIZE books2a, books2b, books2c INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE books2_mr INTO "Books"; REPLACE TITLE IN age WITH "Age - Categorical"; CREATE CONVERT age TO NUMERIC as age_num; ORGANIZE age, age_num INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN marital WITH "Marital Status"; ORGANIZE marital INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN educ2 WITH "Education Level"; ORGANIZE educ2 INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN emplnw WITH "Employment type"; ORGANIZE emplnw INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN hisp WITH "Hispanic"; ORGANIZE hisp INTO "Demographics"; CREATE MULTIPLE SELECTION racem1, racem2, racem3, racem4 AS race_mr TITLE "Race - Multiple Response" DESCRIPTION "Which of the following describes your race? You can select as many as apply. White, Black or African American, Asian or Asian American or some other race."; ORGANIZE racem1, racem2, racem3, racem4 INTO HIDDEN; ORGANIZE race_mr INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN birth_hisp WITH "Hispanic - Origins"; ORGANIZE birth_hisp INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN inc WITH "Income Brackets"; ORGANIZE inc INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN party WITH "Political Affliation: Any"; ORGANIZE party INTO "Political"; REPLACE TITLE IN partyln WITH "Political Affliation: 2 Party"; ORGANIZE partyln INTO "Political"; REPLACE TITLE IN partyln WITH "Political Affliation: 2 Party"; ORGANIZE partyln INTO "Political"; REORDER CATEGORIES hh1, hh3 ORDERED "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8 or more", "Don't know/Refused"; REPLACE TITLE IN hh1 WITH "Number of people in household"; REPLACE TITLE IN hh3 WITH "Number of adults in household"; ORGANIZE hh1, hh3 INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN racecmb WITH "Race - Combined"; ORGANIZE racecmb INTO "Demographics"; REPLACE TITLE IN ql1 WITH "Personally have working cell"; REPLACE TITLE IN ql1a WITH "Household has working cell"; REPLACE TITLE IN qc1 WITH "Non-cell in household"; ORGANIZE ql1, ql1a, qc1 INTO "Devices"; REPLACE TITLE IN weight WITH "Final Weight"; REPLACE TITLE IN cellweight WITH "Final cellweight"; ORGANIZE weight, cellweight INTO "Weighting";